We only ship to Canada & the US, no exceptions! Free tracked shipping for orders over $100. Pickup & delivery is available in the Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada area.

About us

Collectivities is dedicated to providing the collectibles that you are looking for and providing a place where collectors can visit to celebrate their hobbies. This website is the first phase of our development, we plan to open a store in the Clarenville area for the local collectors to have a place to go that they will feel is theirs. I owned a comic store in Clarenville in 1993 and I want to bring back that place where collectors can feed their joy of collecting. We also hope that we can provide the same for other areas that don't have that place to go or can't find those collectibles they want anywhere else. Let us know what you want to see in our store. We have a huge inventory of items that we will be adding to the site, but it will take years to add them all. If you're looking for something and don't see it here, contact us. It might be that we haven't gotten around to adding it yet and could add it for you. Have fun collecting!

Jamie Bailey